Electronics and Communication Engineering
Electronics and Communication Engineering
The Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) department was established in the year 2008. The department offers B.Tech program in ECE with an intake of 120 and now increased to 180.
The B.Tech Program in ECE has been accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA) successively thrice i.e. in 2015, 2019 and 2022.The period of validity for the program is till 30 june, 2025.
The main objective of the department is to provide
i).System design
- Students benefit from access to high-end facilities including eCAD software – Pspice/ MultiSim/ NI LabVIEW; simulators for chip design (Xilinx / Cadence); a wide range of development systems for microcomputer, microcontroller and embedded systems; digital signal processing (DSP) boards – all of which allow to better understand how the theory they have learnt links to real workplace scenarios.
A blend of electronic system design with computing continue to be among the most employable in the country 90% employment with average starting salaries of Rs. 3.5 lakhs.
A blend of electronic system design with computing continue to be among the most employable in the country 90% employment with average starting salaries of Rs. 3.5 lakhs.
- The faculties are expertise in diverse areas including VLSI, embedded systems, advanced communications, internet of things, signal and image processing.
- In order to make teaching effective and interesting, the students are nurtured with a variety of learning activities including class room teaching, s, video lectures for slow and fast learners, MOOC courses, minor / honor courses and online courses by faculty in the institute.
- The department has well-equipped laboratory facilities like electronic devices and circuits, analog and pulse circuits, basic simulation, digital logic design, analog communications, digital communications, integrated circuits, microprocessors and micro controllers, digital signal processing, antennas and microwave engineering, VLSI design lab. Specialized simulation software like MATLAB, LabVIEW, PSpice, Multisim etc. are available with the department to carry out experiments and research activities. The infrastructure and lab facilities are upgraded from time to time and provide good practical learning and innovative environment for the students and researchers.
- Experiential learning is, in essence, the process of developing new skills or knowledge through doing, rather than reading, watching or listening. It is the most natural and effective way that we learn. As such, experiential learning has much better rates of engagement, long-term retention and transferability than other methods of learning. Experiential learning lends itself to richer skill development.